Lesser Restoration 5e Guide: How Does it Work?

Lesser Restoration 5e Guide: How Does it Work?

Lesser Restoration 5e Guide: How Does it Work? Lesser Restoration is a 2nd-level conjuration spell that can be used to cure a variety of ailments and afflictions. It is a versatile spell that can be used in a variety of situations, making it a valuable tool for any adventurer. In this guide, we will discuss how Lesser Restoration works, what it can cure, and how to use it effectively.

Lesser Restoration 5e Guide: How Does it Work? - Explore DnD

How Does Lesser Restoration Work?

Lesser Restoration is a touch spell that targets one creature. When you cast the spell, you touch the creature and choose one of the following effects:

  • End one disease affecting the target.
  • End one condition afflicting the target. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.

The spell has no duration, so the effect is instantaneous.

What Can Lesser Restoration Cure?

Lesser Restoration can cure a variety of ailments and afflictions, including:

  • Diseases such as blindness, deafness, paralysis, and poison.
  • Conditions such as blindness, deafness, paralysis, and poison.
  • Exhaustion (up to 2 levels)
  • Ability Score Damage (up to 2 points)

Lesser Restoration cannot cure all ailments and afflictions. For example, it cannot cure death, curses, or magical effects that are more powerful than the spell itself.

Lesser Restoration 5e Guide: How Does it Work? - Explore DnD

How to Use Lesser Restoration Effectively

Lesser Restoration is a versatile spell that can be used in a variety of situations. Here are a few tips for using the spell effectively:

  • Use Lesser Restoration to cure debilitating conditions. Lesser Restoration can be used to cure conditions that can make it difficult for a creature to fight or defend itself. For example, you can use the spell to cure a creature that is paralyzed or blinded.
  • Use Lesser Restoration to remove diseases. Lesser Restoration can be used to remove diseases that can cause significant harm to a creature. For example, you can use the spell to remove a disease that is causing a creature to lose hit points or take other penalties.
  • Use Lesser Restoration to restore ability score damage. Lesser Restoration can be used to restore ability score damage that has been caused by a spell, monster ability, or other effect.
  • Use Lesser Restoration to remove exhaustion. Lesser Restoration can be used to remove exhaustion, which can make it difficult for a creature to perform physical and mental tasks.
  • Use Lesser Restoration to dispel magical effects. Lesser Restoration can be used to dispel magical effects that are 2nd level or lower.
Lesser Restoration 5e D&D Guide [2023]

Lesser Restoration vs. Greater Restoration

Lesser Restoration and Greater Restoration are both conjuration spells that can be used to cure ailments and afflictions. However, there are some key differences between the two spells:

  • Casting Time: Lesser Restoration has a casting time of 1 action, while Greater Restoration has a casting time of 10 minutes. This means that Lesser Restoration is a more versatile spell that can be used in a wider variety of situations.
  • Spell Level: Lesser Restoration is a 2nd-level spell, while Greater Restoration is a 5th-level spell. This means that Lesser Restoration is a more accessible spell that can be cast by lower-level spellcasters.
  • Effects: Lesser Restoration can cure diseases, conditions, and exhaustion. Greater Restoration can cure all of these ailments, as well as curses, magical effects, and death.

In general, you should use Lesser Restoration whenever possible. However, if you need to cure a curse, magical effect, or death, you will need to use Greater Restoration.


Lesser Restoration is a versatile and powerful spell that can be used to cure a variety of ailments and afflictions. It is a valuable tool for any adventurer and should be used whenever possible.

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